Hi, my name is Esin Ridollah
I'm a Software Developer.

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My name is Esin Ridollah Abdurrazaq, I am a software developer with a great passion for programming. I am passionate about delivering solutions that add to people's lives and at the same time challenge me to improved my skills as a Front-End Developer.

I develop websites using frameworks and libraries such as HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, React Js,Next Js, Tailwind CSS and lots more.

I am a dedicated person with proving problem solving, teamwork, and technical skills. Frequently praised as adaptable by my peers and can be relied upon to help anybody achieve his or her goals.

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Esinnation Gadgets- Online Store

Created and launched a cutting-edge Gadget Ecomerce OnlineStore using NextJs and Tailwind CSS providing users with a seamless shopping experience on desktop and mobile devices resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement.

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Share - Image Sharing Website

Led the end-to-end development of "Share," an innovative Image Sharing Website built with React and styled with Tailwind CSS, providing a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

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Jewels is an E-commerce website built with Nextjs and Strapi for the backend.Tailwind for styling, contextAPI for state management

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RoboFriends is a fast, performant, and responsive project built with ReactJs, Vite, Tailwind CSS where you pull in data from an API and interactively search through your robot friends.

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